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When Life and Death Intersect: Confronting the Grief of a Loved One in the Cycle of Existence.

Death, an enigma that makes us question the unknown. What lies beyond life? Heaven? Reincarnation? Or simply nothing? There are no definitive answers. The only thing we know for sure is that when someone close and dear to us dies, it hurts. That pain, deep and personal, is managed in a unique way by each individual.

The departure of a loved one leaves us with a void in our hearts, and each person seeks their own way to fill it. Some decide to travel to distract themselves from the pain, others visit the cemetery daily to speak with the deceased. There are those who do not return to the place where the person is buried, and those who have their own traditions to say goodbye to the dead. Each of these ways is valid and helps us process the loss.

Grief is a painful process, which is why we seek the support of those around us. Remembering and talking about the deceased person can alleviate our emotional burden. However, there are times when silence or a warm hug are all we need.

It is natural to be afraid of death, it is part of our survival. This fear protects us from dangerous situations and reminds us that we are vulnerable. It is not about living without fear, but about moving forward despite it, listening to its message and making our own decisions.

The uncertainty surrounding death can be overwhelming, but this same fear drives us to value life and live it fully. Enjoying moments with those we love and appreciating every essential emotion. Being centered in the here and now allows us to live in a more conscious and meaningful way.

Grief is not a stage we must overcome, but an experience that is part of our journey. It teaches us to value each day as a gift and to appreciate moments of happiness. Death and life are intertwined, and confronting grief is part of the cycle of existence.


Maite Arboledas. Psychologist

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