Javier Aramendia

Learning to Die: The Process of Dying and My Near-Death Experience

By Javier Aramendia
Contributor to ileave

In our society, we tend to cling to life without recognizing that death is an essential and inevitable part of the life cycle. We should not fear it but accept it as a natural transition from our earthly existence to something greater.

During this journey, it is crucial that those around us—caregivers, friends, family members, and palliative care professionals—allow us to transition in peace. The key is to let go of what ties us to the earth, enabling a serene and suffering-free process if handled with sensitivity and knowledge. This phase can be peaceful if approached appropriately.
Life is overly medicalized, and death is depersonalized in our society. Palliative care is essential, accompanying people in their final moments with love and dignity. The process of dying is a source of learning and wisdom; it does not hurt and can enrich both the one departing and those accompanying them. This transition is as important as birth; both are key moments in the life cycle. Death is not the end; it is a step towards something more.
From my near-death experience, I understood that we are a soul in a body. Accepting death with love and understanding allows us to live a fuller and more authentic life.


My Near-Death Experience

After a heart attack in the ICU, I clearly remember the moment when I felt as if I were separating from my body. It was a sensation of absolute peace; I was not afraid. I saw a silver thread that guided me upward, and I passed through several thresholds. At the first, I met my maternal grandfather, who had died when my mother was pregnant with me, my paternal grandfather, and Iñigo, a friend who guided me through those thresholds. I saw my life pass before me, understanding what respect for life is. At a final threshold, I experienced COMPLETE LOVE, the result of the fusion of two parts, male and female.

I returned to my body on earth with three tasks entrusted to me: to LOVE, to let go of my business, and to COMMUNICATE that there is life after death and that we are a soul in a body. This experience transformed my earthly life. COMPLETE LOVE was a great gift.

If you wish to learn more, get in touch with me and attend my courses through the following link. And, of course, plan the process of dying with my help and with ileave.

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